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Tea & Health

Tea has nutritional properties and is rich in vitamins and minerals. What's more, being nature's drink, Tea maintains the body balance apart from providing nutrition.

Tea drinking is reputed to:

• Increase blood flow to all parts of the body
• Stimulate clear thinking and mental alertness
• Speed the elimination of alcohol and other harmful substances (fats and nicotine, for example) from the bodily organs.

Doctors therefore recommend that it is vital we drink at least 1.5 litres of fluid a day to prevent dehydration. Tea also contains caffeine, but much less than coffee and therefore any dehydration from tea is very unlikely. In fact doctors recommend weak cold tea for oral rehydration.

As the world's most popular drink, tea makes a significant contribution to the nation?s fluid intake. In the Tea Council?s Healthy Drinks Survey in UK, tea was considered the best value-for-money drink by 58 percent.

Taken on its own, tea has no calories. Taken with milk, the average daily tea consumption provides approximately 16 per cent of the recommended daily amount of calcium and significant amounts of folic acid, riboflavin (B2) and vitamin B6.